domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

My Weekend

Well I think that this was the borest weekend ever, on Friday I went to my best friend house, we played poker, we gossip, watched movies, ate tacos and stuff like that.
on Saturday it was also kinf of boring, I woke up like at 2pm, I made an omelette or something like that, then I went to Forum with my mom because she wanted to buy earrings and things like that, about 9 pm I went to a party with my friends but it was very boring.
On Sunday I stayed all day in bed watching movies, eating stuff like Cheetos, Coke, and that ind of things, I also planned what to write on my blog.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Tips to keep your closet organized!

  • Keep your closet seasonal
  • Categorize clothing: Group clothing by category―dress pants, jeans, casual shirts, work tops―to make putting together outfits easier.
  • Color-code your wardrobe:Another take on organizing: Arrange clothes by color, from light to dark.
  • Streamline a coat closer:A simple strategy (store less-used items up top and popular outerwear in a grab-and-go locale) and well-chosen hardware (like back-of-the-door hooks) streamline a coat closet.
  • Eliminate clutter: To streamline your space, constantly eliminate clutter: Every three to four months donate unused items to charity.
  • Use proper hangers: Proper clothing care calls for appropriate hangers: satin padding for more delicate items and sturdy wood hangers for tailored jackets.
  • Store accesories in clear plastic drawers: Clear plastic drawers make perfect storage quarters for neatly rolled scarves, underwear, and belts.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

My most prized possession

My most prized possession is an old gold bracelet my parents gave to me when I was born. This bracelet has been in the family for decades so it's very old, but it's very important for me. What I love the most, is the story of how this bracelet became part of the family, it's a very shocking story but at the same times it is romantic.

I'm going to leave a picture of my bracelet here.